Vetusta Morla
Tour in Spain
Who better to interview in Lecool Madrid, than one the most talked about rock band, in the Spanish music scene, during the last few years: Vetusta Morla. We caught up with them during a short break in their tour of Spain, for their latest album "Mapas" (Maps), so that they could talk to us about their latest concert on the 27th in Madrid.
You finish the tour at the Theater Price, this is not the first time that you perform there...
Last time, we performed two days in the Price discotheque, we had a special circus inspired stage design. It was very special because it was in Madrid where we had the biggest audience. Before that we had only played in small theathres and it was a challenge. We have very good memories of it. It was the day that we realized the magnitude of this, because within the band you really don't notice. You become aware of what you've achieved when people start going to your concerts and you see venues being sold out.
When this happens it ends up being a gift that has allowed us to work on our music fully; we were able to create this album and record it without having to think of anything else. And it's been three years!
Wasn't this that the last time that you guys played in Madrid several nights in a row...
Last year we did a really cool thing, we decided to "close for Christmas" and we decided to do "Rivieras". We played 5 nights in the Riviera and the truth is that these have become part of the history of Vetusta Morla, because there were 5 of them and they went really well.
Have you prepared anything special for this latest concert?
We are going to play with a symphonic orchestra, a part from playing our acoustic and electric repertoir. We think the arena at the Price Circus will create a great atmosphere.
What do you think about the concert venues in Madrid?
We would love to have more venues from where to pick. In Madrid there aren't many concert halls that are prepared and with the proper accommodations for concerts. We don't have that many venues! The small halls survive however they can, they have so many barriers, muscians must be grateful to all those people that are trying to keep culture in Madrid alive.
We like La Joy very much, but only the 200 to 300 people that are in the lower area can really see the concert properly.
Any special places in Madrid?
(Jose) The Costello is kind of like my own living room!
We like Madrid very much. Taking a stroll on the streets and letting oneself go.
A secret...
When our songs are ready, we are very carefull showing them to people, even the producer. It's like a secret within the band; we cannot show them until we feel they are perfect.
During this tour we have made some short recordings, offside and we haven't showed anyone.
A dream...
That the role of culture in this country changes.
Vetusta Morla
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Promociones sin fronteras
Ritmo y Compás